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Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Practice Exam Tests

Prepare for the Certified Kubernetes Administrators Certification with live practice tests right in your browser - CKA





switch A

  • computer A (eth0):
  • computer B(eth0):

- A and  B can now communicate with each other through the switch.

- The switch can only enable communication within a network which means it can receive packates from a host on the network and deliver it to other systems within the same network


switch B

  • computer C (eth0):
  • computer D (eth0):




- A router helps connect two networks  together

- it connects the two separate network(switch, switch

- Router gets two ip address

  • (스위치 A와 연결되는 ip)
  • (스위치 B와 연결되는 ip)

- router connected to the two networks that can enable communication between them

□when computer B tries to send a packet to system C ?

- network: room

- gateway: door to the outside


- this command displays the kernels routing table

ip route add via

#ip route add <switch network> via <gateway>

- this has to be configured on all the systems

- if the system C is to send a packet to system B

ip route add via

- suppose these systems need access to the internet(access to Google at network)

ip route add via

- if you don't know a route to use this router as the default gateway. this way any request to any network outside of your existing network goes to this particular router

ip route add default via


@내가 그린 그림

□ A to talk to C?

ip route add via


□ C to talk to A?

ip route add via


□ we can allow host B to forward packets from one network to the other

- setting in this system at file /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

※ip addr add commands are only valid till ad restart. If you want to persist these changes you must set them in the /etc/network/interfaces file

ip route

ip route or route command is used to view the routing table.

ip route add via




switch A

  • computer A (eth0):
  • computer B(eth0):

- ping (ㅇ)

- ping db (X)

cat >> /etc/hosts     db     www.google.com

# ping db (ㅇ)
# ping www.google.com (ㅇ)

-the environment grew and these files got filled with too many entries and managing these became too hard

- if one of the server's ip changed, you would need to modify the entries in all of these hosts

- DNS server:  all these entries to a single server who will manage essentially


cat /etc/resolv.conf

-once resolv.conf is configured on all of your host, every time a host comes up across a hostname that it does not know about it, it looks it up from the DNS server


/etc/hosts      test

dns server      test

- in this case, the host first looks in the local /etd/hosts file and then looks at the nameserver




- is a common, well known public nameserver available on the internet hosted by Google that knows about all the websites on the Internet

-  You can have multiple nameservers like this configured on your host



www.facebook.com   www.kubernetest.io  www.google.com

-It's called a domain name and it is how IPs translate to names that we can remember on the public internet

-the reason they are in this format separated by dots is to group like things together

.com .net .edu .org .io top level domain
google domain name
www subdomain


□검색후 결과가 나오는 과정


1) when you try to reach any of these domain names, yout request first hits your organization's internal DNS server.

   - it forwards your request to the internet. 

2) On the internet, the ip address of the server serving appstore, maybe resolve with the help of multiple DNS servers, a routine server looks at your request and points you to a server serving .com

3).com server looks at your request and forwards you to Google

4)Google's DNS server provides you the IP of the server serving the app's applications



ping may now always be the right tool to test DNS resolution

-nslookup: to query a hostname from a DNS server

nslookup www.google.com
dig www.google.com

-do not show /etc/resolv.conf


[Core DNS]



[Network Namesapces]

- network namespaces are used by containers like Docker to implement network isolation

- this can be seen when you list the processes from within the container

ps aux

- when you list the same processes as a route  user from the undelyuing host, you see al the otehr process along with the process running inside the container(diffrent process ID)

- when it comes to networking, our host has its own interfaces that connect to the local area network

- our host has its own routing and our tables with information about rest of the network

@내가 밤 11시에 자야되는데 그린 그림

-when the container is created with a network namespace for it, it has no visibility to any network related infromation on the host within its namespace

-within namespace, the container can have its own virtual interfaces, routing and other tables

-the container has its own interface


# red라는 네임스페이스 추가
ip netns add red 

# red  네임스페이스 안에서 명령
ip netns exec red ip link
ip -n red link #위와 똑같은 명령어


□Establishing connectivity between the namespaces themselves

-using a virtual ethenet pair or a virtual cable (virtual 케이블을 만드는 방법)

#to create cable
ip link add veth-red type veth peer name veth-blue

#to attach each interface to the appropriate namespace
ip link set veth-red netns red
ip link set veth-blue netns blue

#assign ip
ip -n red addr add dev veth-red
ip -n red addr add dev veth-blue

#link up
ip -n red link set veth-red up
ip -n blue link set veth-blue up

이런 다음에

ip netns exec red ping

를 하면 ping 이 됨


확인은 arp테이블 보기

ip netns exec red arp
ip netns exec blue arp


□Linux Bridge 방법

ip link add v-net-0 type bridge
ip link
ip link set dev v-net-0

ip link add veth-red type veth peer name veth-red-br
ip link add veth-blue type veth peer name veth-blue-br

ip link set veth-red netns red
ip link set veth-red-br nmaster v-net-0
ip link set veth-blue netns blue
ip link set veth-blue-br nmaster v-net-0

ip -n red addr add dev veth-red
ip -n blue addr add dev veth-blue

ip -n red link set veth-red up
ip -n blue link set veth-blue up

ip addr add dev v-net-0

이제 ping 가능



만약 blue에서을 접속하면

ip netns exec blue ping
connect: Network is unreachable


ip netns exec blue route

gateway는 system을 다른 네트워크와 연결한다.

-그래서 로컬 호스트가 두개의 네트워크(blue,을 연결하는 게이트웨이가 된다

ip netns exec blue ip route add via

이제 ping 가능


□home network we tried to reach the external internet through our router

- out home network has our internal private IP address that the destination network don't know about

- so they cannot reach back for this

- our host acting as the gateway here so that it can send the messages to the LAN in its own name with its own address


iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j MASQUERADE

-post routing chain to masquerade or replace the from address on all packets coming from the source network

ip netns exec blue ping

이제 ping 가능


□에서 내부 접속(blue)

-ping 불가

-방법 2가지

1) to give away the identity of the private network to the second host

  -add an IP route entry to the second host, telling the host that the network wanted

2) to add a port forwarding rule using IP tables

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --dport 80 --to-destination -j DNAT

- any traffic comming to port 80 on localhost is to be forwarded to Port 80 on the IP assigned to the blue namespace



[Docker Networking]

□networking option

1) none

2) host

3) bridge (default)

     - docker0 

     - an internal private network is created which the docker host and containers attach to

     - the network has an address

     - after docker run command, ip netns command show the namespaces created by docker

           - namespaces start with b3165

     - ip link command를 하면 브릿지 이름을 알 수 있음: vethbb1c343@if7

□how does docker attach the container or its network namespace to the bridge network?

- it creates a cable, a VIRTUAL cable with two interfaces on each end.

ip -n b3165c10a92b




docker run -p 8080:80 nginx

docker run으로 8080:80 을 하게되면

iptables -nvL -t nat

의 chain DOCKER에서 포트포워딩 된 것을 확인가능하다.




- docker networking is pretty much the same way with Linux Network Namespaces except it uses different naming patterns

- the bridge program takes care of the rest so that the container runtime environments are relieved of those tasks

- for example, whenever rkt or kubernetes creates a new container, they call the bridge plugin and pass the container id and namespace to get networking configured for that container

- A standard that defines, how a programm should look, how container runtime will invoke them so that everyone can adhere to a single set of standards and develop solutions that work across runtime

-CNI: is a set of standards that define how programms should be developed to solve networking challenges in a container runtime environment

- the programs are referred to as plugins

- CNI specifies that it is responsible for creating a network namespace for each container

- identify network the container must attach to

- container runtime to invoke netwrok plugin (bridge) when container is ADDed

- container runtime to invoke netwrok plugin (bridge) when container is DELETED

- JSON format

- the plugin should take care of assigning IP addresses to the PODs and any associated routes required for the containers to reach other containers in the network

- At the end the results should be specified in a particular format

- Any runtime should be able to work with any plugin

- supported plugins: bridge, VLAN, IPVLAN, MACVLAN, windows, DHCP, host-local

- third party plugin: flannel, cilium, calico

- docker does not implement CNI. DOcker has its own set of standards known as CNM(container network model) 

- if you want to user docker with cni, create docker container without ant network configurationand than manually invoke the bridge plugin yourself

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